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Youth Employment Services (YES)
JusticeWorks YouthCare created the Youth Employment Services (YES) Program to support youth in the juvenile justice system in developing critical competency skills, securing employment, and, most importantly, maintaining that employment.
Recognizing the importance of holistic support, the program also connects youth with essential community resources and support.
YES enhances protective factors by equipping youth with job-specific and essential soft skills. These include positive social interactions, community connections, and recognition for their work. The program adopts a developmental approach tailored to each youth’s age, learning style, and academic abilities. This approach helps youth avoid high-risk behaviors while promoting job readiness and character building.
Aligned with Pennsylvania’s Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) competency development component, YES provides structured, specific skill training and opportunities for youth to practice and demonstrate these new skills. The program ensures a comprehensive assessment of each youth’s abilities, focusing on occupational and non-technical workplace competencies or soft skills.
Educational progress and behavioral readiness are crucial for employment success and integral to the YES program. Before beginning their job search, each youth must demonstrate a sufficient level of maturity and progress, ensuring they are well-prepared for the workplace.
The YES program serves as a bridge for youth, guiding them from involvement in the juvenile justice system to becoming productive, employable, and responsible community members. YES fosters a supportive environment where youth can thrive and build a successful future by focusing on skill development, positive social interactions, and community connections.
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.