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Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN)
The SWAN program serves children in the custody of county children and youth agencies.
The design of the network is to support the work of county agencies in expediting permanency services.
Services Offered
Child Profile
A Child Profile is a comprehensive summary of the child’s life history, current functioning and special needs. It can be referred for all children and youth in the custody of a county and youth agency and in out-of-home care, regardless of their permanency goal, and assists in choosing a resource family
How It Works:
- Time frame of service: 3 months
- Written document produced conveying the essence of the child to the reader, emphasizing the child’s strengths.
Family Profile
The strengths-based social study and preparation of an individual or couple who wishes to provide permanency. The purpose of the document is to determine the individual or couple’s ability to provide safety, nurturing and commitment to a child. Note: This was previously known as Home Study in Pennsylvania.
How It Works:
- Time frame of service: 4 months
- Written document is produced that is used to provide the county children and youth agencies with information needed in selecting a family for a child and by the court during finalization proceedings
Child Preparation
Child Preparation is an intense preparation to help children and youth transition to the permanency option (reunification; adoption; PLC; kinship; APPLA) selected for them. The preparation work explores core issues of children and youth in out-of-home placement: grief and loss, abandonment, identity, control, loyalty, attachment and shame.
How It Works:
- Time frame of service: 6 months
- At least 10 visits with child to address goals that are agreed upon by the prep team
Child Specific Recruitment
Child Specific Recruitment, CSR is requested for children who have no identified family resource or permanency connections. CSR can help identify and develop connections and supports for older youth as they transition into young adulthood. The affiliate agency is expected to work closely with the child or older youth and the CYS agency to locate and develop an adoptive family and other individuals who can serve as permanent connections.
How It Works:
- Time frame of service: 6 months
- Individualized and specific techniques are used to help identify supports and/or permanent families for children who have no identified resource family.
The Referral Process
County Caseworker speaks with your internal SWAN/Foster Care Coordinator to request a referral be made via the SWAN Portal.
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Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.
Justice Works Report Cards
The youth, families, and referring agencies have reported high levels of satisfaction with our services. We are proud to boast satisfaction ratings of over 90% for the quality of the services provided, excellence in our collaborative communication with others, and ability to meet family goals.