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Our Violation Initiative Program (VIP®) is an intensive community-based program to prevent immediate removal of a non-compliant delinquent youth from the home.
VIP® was created to reduce out-of-home placements for youth who are not fulfilling requirements of probation and are at high risk for court committed placement. VIP® uses a family-centered approach and works to strengthen the family’s ability to provide appropriate boundaries, direction and support. Youth referred to VIP® are typically “one phone call away” from placement in the juvenile justice system. VIP® works in partnership with probation officers to achieve positive outcomes for youth.
The fundamental goal of VIP® is to assist and insist that youth abide by the conditions of their probation and are viewed as positive members of the community. We work with the youth and family and partner with others to help the youth “get back on track”. Outcome studies have demonstrated VIP®’s ability to prevent detention and placement while promoting positive behavior.
How it works
- VIP® targets its intervention by using close supervision of the youth, behavioral contracting, teaching anger management skills, working with families to build parenting skills and identifying and accessing positive community resources.
- Staff in the program develop a positive working relationship with youth and families and reinforce the need for the youth to comply with probation standards.
- Youth are seen frequently—typically six or more hours per week. We use both scheduled appointments and unannounced visits at home, school or in the community.
- Staff are also available 24 hours a day to meet any safety or compliance issues that might arise.
- VIP® can be delivered at varying intensity depending on the level of service that is contracted and services usually last from 3-6 months.
Once our staff create a positive motivational bond with youth to get their buy-in to understanding that it is positive behavior which will allow them to live their lives with more freedom.
- We create behavioral contracts and help youth identify and connect to positive resources in their community.
- These may include counseling, drug and alcohol treatment, recreation or other positive creative outlets.
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.