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Independent Living
Independent Living works with youth aging out of the child welfare system who do not have the family support to guide them into adulthood.
The goal of JusticeWork YouthCare’s Independent Living (IL) Program is to prepare youth for the realities of living on their own by complementing the youth’s efforts with support and assistance. Youth in the program are encouraged to recognize and accept their personal responsibility for preparing for and making the transition from adolescence to adulthood. The intent of the Independent Living Program is to focus on assessing, supervising, supporting and assisting youth in the development of skills that allow for the greater likelihood of future autonomy and success in adulthood.
The IL program considers the varying developmental skills, permanency goals, and living arrangements of the youth and makes accommodations unique for each youth. Individual needs and goals are determined and addressed from the point of referral to the final stages of aftercare services including the development of transitional living plans. A Life Skills Assessment tool is utilized at least every six months to determine the youth’s skill level in various IL sub-categories and to measure improvement in these areas. A continuum of service is deduced from this needs assessment and services are planned accordingly.
The IL program addresses targeted life skills areas which include the following categories:
- Life Skills
- Prevention
- Education/Training
- Employment
- Support services
- Housing
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Justice Works Report Cards
The youth, families, and referring agencies have reported high levels of satisfaction with our services. We are proud to boast satisfaction ratings of over 90% for the quality of the services provided, excellence in our collaborative communication with others, and ability to meet family goals.