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Justice Works Pennsylania News
News in York County: Program Director Passes State Exam
Anthony Marucco, MSW, Program Director JusticeWorks’ York County recently passed (on his first try) the state exam to become a Licensed Social Worker!
News in York County: Team Member awarded Master of Arts Degree
Alyson Riedel, Family Resource Specialist York County, recently completed her studies at Prescott College and was awarded a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis on Equine Assisted Mental Health.
JusticeWorks becomes a Family Group Decision Making Provider!
With the able assistance of Trish Hackman, University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work, JusticeWorks’ hosted a four day training in January, 2009 with staff from all of our County offices.
Success in Lehigh County: A Family Reunited
Olivia and her four older siblings were placed into foster care two years ago when she was found to be cocaine positive at birth. STOPP began providing services during the last few weeks prior to the children’s’ return to the family home.
Success in Lehigh County: Home for a Family
“Whatever it takes”. For the first several months of my tenure with JusticeWorks YouthCare I had given all my energy to helping youth and families achieve the level of success they desperately wanted...
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.