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JusticeWorks Community Updates
Adopt a Highway
JusticeWorks takes seriously its commitment to “Build Better Futures for Youth and Community. In Pike County, our Juvenile Probation Community Services project has adopted two miles of highway. We supervise youth who have community services obligations to make a positive difference in their community.
Success Story in Northampton: Letter from a Caseworker
I just wanted to give some kudos to your workers who were present at my family group on Saturday.
JusticeWorks Develops and Implements Innovative Software Program!!
We have worked for a year in partnership with Administrative Solutions of Carlisle, Ohio (www.childtrax.com) to develop a comprehensive data management system to facilitate our staff’s record keeping, goal planning & resource development, while integrating billing and outcome functions.
JusticeWorks Adds Evidence Based Programs
We continue to incorporate new techniques and curricula to give our staff enhanced tools to be effective and our customers improved outcomes. These programs are incorporated into our existing programs or can be provided as stand-alone services.
Dauphin County begins!
On December 2, 2010 we began serving Dauphin County’s Office of Children & Youth Services. This is the 13th County that JusticeWorks is operating in. We are providing our STOPP program as well as Family Group Conferencing (FGDM).
Dauphin CYS Director Sue Cohick described the County’s decision to contract:
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.