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JusticeWorks Community Updates

“Whatever It Takes” to Achieve Success in York!

FRS began working with client at a stage where client was really struggling with everything on her plate. Client was struggling with behavior in school, not attending school, was slacking with grades, was using drugs, was disrespecting mother, and was involved in an abusive and drug filled relationship that she could not get out of. Client attended school where FRS previously worked, so FRS knew client's potential when it came to in the classroom. Client attended the alternative education school, River Rock, for quite some time and was becoming defiant when it came to doing work, which...

Perry County Partners with JusticeWorks for Truancy Remediation

On December 2, 2011, JusticeWorks began its Truancy Remediation services in Perry County. Our JustCare® program will be utilized to stabilize families which complements our WhyTry Curriculum with elementary, school age youth and parents. Perry becomes our 6th county to utilize WhyTry and our 19th overall Pennsylvania partner. Perry County Children & Youth Administrator had this to say about the new partnership, “Perry County Children & Youth Services is part of a county task force addressing the issue of truancy. We are excited about adding the JusticeWorks programs to our...

Compass Academy Rings True for Students!

We’ve long known that our teen clients are the best systems analysts.  They may resist structure, but they know when things are organized poorly.  And, when there is accountability, high standards and a genuine concern to help them learn and improve, they correctly interpret it as ‘someone cares’. We are very appreciative to “Adam” for acknowledging the positive difference that Compass Academy has made for him.  His senior thesis follows and we know he has taken the right steps to give himself a good future.  We congratulate him for his hard work and his spirit of giving back. Out With...

Dauphin CYS Applauds JW Perseverance & Effectiveness!

We enjoy a great team partnership with Dauphin CYS and we thank their Director and Child Protection Supervisor for taking the time to express their appreciation for JusticeWorks’ whatever it takes approach. Dave – thought I would forward this on to you as you don’t always hear the good stuff!  Plus, I just read your email to me, so you were on my mind. Sue A. Cohick  MSW LSW Administrator Dauphin County Social Services for Children & Youth I want you to know that JW has done an amazing job since Friday to prevent us from placing 7 kids in two different families! Emily and their new...

JusticeWorks Expands Resources to Luzerne County

On November 1, 2011, Luzerne County Children and Youth Services joined the JusticeWorks Family.  After being chosen, subsequent to a Request for Proposal, JusticeWorks has implemented Luzerne County’s first Supervised Visit Program.  “Supervised Visitation” serves parents who may be a risk to their children or to another parent, the opportunity to spend time with their children while assuring safety to all concerned. We are honored to have been chosen to implement this important service and look forward to a strong and effective partnership with Luzerne County Children and Youth Services....

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