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JusticeWorks Community Updates
Appreciation From A Berks Probation Officer!
Hi Marc, I wanted to email you this morning to let you know about some outstanding work that Frank Maurer has done for one of my clients. I’m supervising a juvenile named Bobby Jones. Frank took over the case a few months ago. Since Frank has been working with Bobby, he has gone above and beyond what’s expected of him. Bobby’s mother is very difficult to engage and terribly unreliable. Frank went out of his way on several occasions to make sure that Bobby’s mother was involved in his probation plan and taking care of her obligations. Frank also worked very diligently with Bobby in...
Trauma Remediation for Females in York County
JWYC responded to a request for proposal by York County Juvenile Probation to develop a Girl’s Empowerment Movement Program (GEM Program). The target population is adolescent females, with unresolved victimization/trauma, who commit delinquent acts. The GEM program consists of a combination of group and individual counseling. It will utilize Evidence Based Programming along with specialized trauma related services. We are proud that the selection committee unanimously chose JusticeWorks to implement this important service. We look forward to a continued partnership with York County...
A Mom’s Heartfelt Words
Ms. Bonilla, I would like to share my story with you and your company and the efforts put fourth of Ms. Kerns. My family has undergone multiple 10 month family counseling sessions with another agency. Both times they were through the same agency and both times the attempts were unsuccessful. We had at one point put our daughter into residential treatment. She was totally uncontrollable and was destroying our family unit. Our lives revolved around her mood and if she had a good day so did we, as long as she got what she wanted. In the meantime we had a younger daughter that was being...
Another Remarkable Outcome in Berks County!
Our thanks to our Berks CYS case partner Greg Gerdeman for taking the time to acknowledge our hard work. And, to our exemplary family resource Specialist Noelle Hartzman for persisting until there was a good outcome for the family. I just wanted to take a moment to recognize the work of Noelle with the Thompson family. I know she has put in a great deal of time with the family and today that has paid off with her getting what amounts to over $4,000 in rental assistance for the family and preventing them from being evicted. I truly do appreciate the amazing work that Noelle and...
JusticeWorks Welcomes Indiana County
On December 9th, 2011 JusticeWorks’ Indiana County office held an Open House for the community. We provide our STOPP®, JustCare® and Independent Living programs there. The Indiana Gazette kindly published the event. We were pleased to see many staff from Children and Youth, local school districts, adult and juvenile probation departments, MHMR and other providers. Indiana’s Mayor George Hood, and local Judges honored us by their participation. In a few months, we’ve grown substantially in Indiana County and we appreciate the support of our public stakeholders there.
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