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JusticeWorks Community Updates

Family Engagment In Wayne County

(A note of appreciation from a caseworker) Hi Renee, I know that FGDM conferences measure successes in lots of different ways, but I want to share that the Smith/Johnson conference was what I would call the perfect one. Prior to FGDM, mom was hopeless, lonely, and scared.  The FGDM was a pivotal point in the life of this case and in the life of this young mother.  As a result of the FGDM Conference, mom’s daily functioning and optimism has blossomed.   Sandra told Jane Jones that she is thankful for family group because it showed her that her family is behind her and supportive.  Until...

Governor Haley Invites JusticeWorks to Aid in Community Outreach Effort!

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley started a community outreach foundation called The Original Six Foundation.  The Foundation is dedicated to assist South Carolina Counties with high unemployment rates. The Original Six Foundation has organized a major statewide initiative that will help provide the tools and resources needed for distressed South Carolina communities to grow economically. On June 2, 2012 The Foundation and its partners organized an event in Marion County to help uplift the community up with a health and job fair, GED programs, literacy programs, and other important...

Grateful Grandparents in Pike

Dear Ms. Fonalledes, Thank you to your staff for their patience, compassion, dedication and true professionalism toward our grandson, Bill.  The program of Justice Works has helped Bill change his life around immensely.  Your caring staff provided Bill with life skills to become a productive, positive person of society.  Your staff, Ms. Amanda Olving-Chapman, Ms. Cynthia Rickert, and Mr. Nick Sanseverino are truly remarkable!  They deserve to be commended for their strong efforts.  Their dedication to the profession of helping troubled youth with patience, structure and tough love is...

Another Landmark Case in York County!

Upon initial referral, Peter was a depressed and angry 17 year old with little support in his life. He was referred from probation for trespassing and providing false information to a police officer. Peter was habitually truant and open about his frequent marijuana habit. During the course of JusticeWorks’ services, Sean Lazarus was able to develop a strong positive relationship with Peter.  Sean helped him look at his life more objectively and articulate his goals for his future.  With continuous help (and a few early morning reminders!), Peter’s school attendance improved from 40% to...

York County Client Prevails Against Great Odds!

Sammy was a “high interest” case when referred. He had been adjudicated at the age of fifteen for a severe offense committed at age 13 (subsequent to an altercation and attack by a sibling’s friend).  At the time of referral, Sammy was in a locked State Institution. During weekly visits at his placement, JusticeWorks’ Family Resource Specialist Sean Lazarus developed a good relationship with the young man.  Sammy’s family had largely abandoned him and had limited contact with him.  Sean became his main support and contact to the greater community.   During his placement stay, Sammy...

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