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JusticeWorks Community Updates

JusticeWorks FL – Tampa Kick-off Event a Success!

In collaboration with Paul Burke, Dr. Essie Johnson (Principal at Brandon EPIC Center) and Mr. Cornelius Bobo (Principal at North Tampa EPIC Center) arranged for all faculty and staff (including instructional personnel, classroom aides, security, and administrative staff) at both academic institutions to come together in preparation for the upcoming academic year.  In addition to Hillsborough County Public School staff, JusticeWorks FL team members were invited to participate to start fostering strong collaborative relationships with Hillsborough Public School staff. All participants were...

Family Empowerment – A Member of our Berks County Team Receives Recognition

Letter from a Berks County CYS Case Manager: Good Afternoon, Hope all is well. I just wanted to let you know that I was in contact with the father (of one of our mutual clients) today because he voiced to Zach (JWYC employee) that he didn’t want the case closed. When I talked to the father he informed me how comfortable his family felt with Zach and that they noticed a changed in the older son, ‘Max’ since Zach has been working with the family. They asked me if Zach could continue working with the family for a little longer. I had to gently explain to them that although I loved that they...

Berks County Employee Receives Recognition from Children and Youth Services

An Email from CYS Caseworker: Good Afternoon, I just wanted to take a second and let you know how impressed I am with Omika Johnson. I really appreciate her open communication with the agency and her regular updates regarding the ‘Smith’ case. Additionally, there has been some major turmoil in the family lately and Omika just recently started but it hasn’t scared her off. She was a terrific advocate and support for ‘Katrina’ today at our meeting and I am very glad that she is on the case. She is wonderful! Have a great day! Ashley L. Frey, BA County Caseworker II Berks County Children and...

A Chester County Visit Coaching Staff Receives Praise From A Foster Mom

Hi there, I wanted to email you in regards to Rebecca Piorko-Shelly.   I am the foster mom for Susie.  I just want to let you know how fabulous this woman is. Susie’s parents are probably the worst people to deal with sometimes. Rebecca is the only person who has been able to make a connection with Susie’s mom. Rebecca has the ability to call her out on her crap and still be able to communicate with her.  Susie’s mom hates being called out and has been in denial about her addiction and all the problems going on. Normally she would cut anyone off that called her out on anything. I truly...

Northampton County CYF praises our JWYC Team

Good day Mr. Heit, I am writing you to inform you that when I was informed that I should have Justice Works, (JW), involved in a case that there was no headway being made, my initial response was that I didn’t need another service provider involved with this case. A short time later I figured that I tried other providers with this family with no resolve, I may as well give a shot to utilizing JW. I just want to inform you that the two FRS workers that have been involved in this case, Ashley Jacoby, and Linda Coleman have performed a stellar job with this difficult family. Even when these...

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