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JusticeWorks Community Updates
Adams County Children and Youth Services select Sean Lazarus for Advisory Board!
Sean Lazarus was nominated and chosen to be a board member of the prestigious Adams County Children and Youth Services Advisory Board. He will be joining the Adams County Commissioners, town supervisors, and various representatives from the District Attorney's office, school district, Children’s Advocacy Center and the community. Sean will serve a three year term on the board and assist in providing oversight, evaluation, promotion and participation in Children and Youth Service programming. The advisory board works directly with the Adams County Judges and the Children and Youth...
JusticeWorks YouthCare’s Journey to SWAN Affiliation
Michelle Hill (Permanency Specialist), Kim Buzzelli (Supervisor of Permanency Services), Lisa Snyder (Director of Indiana Branch of JWYC) In June 2014, JWYC began conversations with Indiana CYS for the opportunity to become a SWAN Affiliate and provide these extremely beneficial services to children and families of Indiana County. In order to become an affiliate an agency must complete at least one full year of mentorship under a current PA SWAN affiliate. JWYC researched possible mentoring agencies and upon hearing wonderful reviews from CYS agencies across the state, we contacted...
Compass Academy Open House
You are invited to Compass Academy Open House!
Thanks to our President, Dan Heit
Giving thanks to our President, Dan Heit! *Michelle, thank you for the thoughtful note. I am thrilled to hear that you are taking full advantage of the benefits of the Compass Academy. I look forward to hearing more about your future success. Be well, Dan *Name changed due to confidentiality
Praise from Lehigh County Children and Youth
Letter received by Megan’s supervisor. Mike, I wanted to touch base with you about Megan Buehler. I am so very happy and impressed with her interaction with Crystal*, I have met a few times with Megan and Crystal* together but today was particularly impressive. Crystal* can be trying at times and her mental health doesn’t always make it easy to interact. Megan is patient and a calming influence on Crystal*, at court today Crystal* stated to the Master that she appreciates and loves working with Megan and that she is helpful and she appreciates her. I have been very lucky to have some very...
Let's Discuss how we can help
Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.