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JusticeWorks Community Updates

Congratulations Ty Kanouff: New Education Director for Compass Academy Lycoming

We wanted to take a moment to recognize Compass Academy Lycoming Supervisor Ty Kanouff. Over the past year, Ty has been instrumental in the growth of Compass Lycoming in his supervisory position. He wears multiple hats in order to successfully manage a healthy alternative education setting. Ty shows up every single day and puts in maximum effort with the students in our program. He brings a huge personality that brightens the day of not only our students, but also our staff. He is tremendous for our culture and is a reason why many of us enjoy coming into work each and every...

Philadelphia Chooses JusticeWorks to Assist Victims of Human Trafficking

On February 14, JusticeWorks YouthCare was awarded a contract with Philadelphia County to provide specialized support for victims of human trafficking, a tragic worldwide problem. JusticeWorks will utilize 2 research-based programs to help young men and women who have had this traumatic experience.  Our model will use The Council for Boys and Young Men, and Voices.  Our trauma-informed program will provide empowerment support, life skills training, and linkages to other resources. We look forward to our continued partnership with Philadelphia’s DHS to provide this critically important...

JusticeWorks Develops New Program to Combat Truancy!

Truancy is a major problem nationwide and often indicative of other factors affecting a child’s ability to attend school.  JusticeWorks YouthCare Truancy programs are designed to identify the root causes of truant behavior, and to engage families as partners in eliminating truancy. On November 3, 2016, Governor Wolfe signed new truancy legislation into law.  In response to these changes, JusticeWorks developed the Attendance Improvement Program (AIP) with the goal of developing partnerships with schools, child welfare agencies, families, and youth in resolving the issues that cause...

‘A Pat on the Back’ for our Chester County Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) Coordinator, Rebecca Piorko-Shelly

Below is an email from a Chester County CYF Caseworker to Rebecca’s supervisor. I had a FGDM meeting on Saturday which, I have to admit, thought was going to be a mess. The participants are grandparents taking care of young girls while we are trying to reunify the girls with mom. This ended up being the best conference I have had!  Rebecca Piorko-Shelly was able to get it done with professionalism and respect to all members. There were a few negative things being said, but Rebecca was able to pull it back where it needed to be. The group listened carefully and knew what was happening at...

Franklin County Selects JusticeWorks to Provide Community Based Services!

JusticeWorks welcomes Franklin County as our newest Pennsylvania partner.  We will be providing our STOPP program, Visit Coaching, and Nurturing Parenting Program.  We look forward to our partnership with Director Douglas Amsley and the rest of the Franklin County Children and Youth team.  JusticeWorks is committed to achieving positive outcomes for the children and families of Franklin County that we will be serving.

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