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JusticeWorks Community Updates

A Taste of JusticeWorks Ohio’s Team Building Event

JusticeWorks prides itself on work/life balance and allows staff to focus on maintaining their wellness and mental health. Our enthusiastic Hamilton County Activity Committee put together an initiative to host a monthly team-building activity day to bond with one another outside of the office setting and boost team morale. For example, the team sat down to enjoy a wonderful Mexican dinner at La Pinata in August. In September, the team got together to participate in a throwback activity, bowling! If you haven't been bowling in a while, let us remind you, it is so much fun! It's a fantastic...

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS: Immediate Mentor Opportunities Available in Indiana County!

We're looking for volunteers to be mentors in Indiana County to start immediately.  The Independent living program supports youth in Indiana County between 14 and 23 years old. Our goal is to increase confidence, self-esteem, and life skills through 1:1 and group mentoring.  This is a collaborative program between JusticeWorks YouthCare and Indiana County Children & Youth Services. The goal of this program is to provide a new connection for each youth that will help expand their horizons in different fields of studies, hobbies, and more.  It's statistically proven that mentoring...

In the Midst of Chaos, Teamwork Prevails!

A note from Kristen Irizarry, Director of Lehigh & Northampton Counties The Lehigh county branch saw a Friday like no other. It was the coming of the week's end, Friday at approximately 4:00 PM our inboxes flooded with emergency referrals. Five, to be exact!  All five were high risk, safety concerns, abuse-ridden referrals. Two were crisis rapid response (CRR) referrals which deemed immediate intervention. As usual, we had two staff on call. This week it was Robin and Wendy. To make matters more challenging, two cases were Spanish Speaking and one of which the mom was hearing...


A note from our Executive Director of Colorado, Angela Lytle The last few months have been such an amazing experience for me.  I was introduced to JusticeWorks by a colleague, began working in May of 2021 with Dipesh as a consultant to expand the company’s presence in Colorado and after falling quickly in love with what JusticeWorks stands for, believes in and brings to families, am now part of the team full time!    I have experienced incredible warmth and support from the entire company and have quickly learned that “Whatever It Takes” isn’t just a catchy motto  --  it is lived and...

CALLING ALL MENTORS in Chester County, Pennsylvania!

We are searching for community influencers to join our mentoring program in Chester County, Pennsylvania! Our mentor program is in partnership with Chester County Children and Youth. We would encourage anyone interested in impacting a youth's life to promote growth, stability, and personal development to apply! Our goal is to connect individuals who have specific skills and knowledge (mentor) with individuals (youth) who want or need the same skills and advantages to move up in a skill level, work, or school performance. This is conducted through one-on-one encouragement and guidance to...

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Interested in learning more about how Justice Works can help? Contact us today to inquire about the evaluation services available to your agency. We're here to help you show how your programs make a difference.