Recently Megan was working with a family involved with Children and Youth. The three year old child was referred for an evaluation at Early Intervention. The evaluator stated that the child did not qualify for services as he presented as a “normal functioning child”. Megan advised the evaluator that the child should be re-evaluated as she observed during visitation that he was having difficulty understanding and his speech seemed delayed. They agreed to do the hearing screening and determined that he has “Moderate Hearing Loss” in both ears. “James” then was able to qualify for services and started in April with the LIU preschool in York. In addition he is now receiving special speech services two days a week.
Megan literally made a difference in this child’s life by ADVOCATING for him and ensuring he is not falling through the cracks. Because of Megan’s astute observations and insistence to have him reevaluated, this child is receiving life essential services.
Thank you Megan for your professionalism, awareness and advocacy in our client’s lives.