Theresa Fonalledas, Program Director of Pike & Wayne Counties, received an email of appreciation from Michele, Program Specialist of Pike County Children and Youth:

Hi Theresa,
I had a couple meetings yesterday where I spent a vast majority of the time singing both yours and your staffs praises for the thorough updates and fabulous communication that I feel you guys provide to myself and everyone at the agency.
I am impressed that I am remembered to be included on the emails sent, that everyone responds so quickly to any questions that I have, and that they continue to put in the time to ask questions and give updates on a weekly basis. This is a direct reflection of YOUR leadership. You have clearly set expectations and they are following them and because of this I feel we (at least in my role as contract monitor) are having success. I appreciate it much more than you would know. Thank you!.”


A huge shoutout to Theresa, who promptly responded to questions and provided regular updates. Her leadership and clear expectations have contributed significantly to our success.  Cheers to Theresa for her outstanding efforts!