On August 16, 2014, President and CEO, Dan Heit invited all staff and their families from Pennsylvania and South Carolina to help celebrate JusticeWorks’ 15 year anniversary at Hershey Park. More than 300 people attended! Dan thanked our expert staff for doing whatever it takes to help our families, youth, and communities. After a delicious lunch, everyone stayed to enjoy the rides at the amusement park.

Enjoying their day at Hershey Park is staff Amanda Olving-Chapman (pictured right), with her mother and children.
JWYC staff appreciates Dan’s generosity and his leadership which has led to our success at helping youth and families and to the organization’s continuous growth. Regional Directors Marc Maddy and Renee Kresge presented Dan with a commemorative plaque.
We proudly displayed commendations received from some of our clients and stakeholders and have reprinted a couple below. We thank Berks County JPO and Lehigh County CYS for their enlightened partnership… it enhances our ability to achieve positive outcomes.
The Lehigh County Office of Children and Youth Services has enjoyed a strong partnership with Justice Works Youth Care since they arrived in the Lehigh Valley as part of their clear and unwavering commitment to share in our work with children and families. One of the first initiatives that Justice Works developed for Lehigh County was the STOPP program. This was the first program of its kind in the area intended to provide an in home service alternative to families whose children were at imminent risk of placement. It was through this partnership that Lehigh County was able to begin our significant reduction of children in out of home placement. Within 2 hours of referral from Lehigh County, Justice Works would see the family, begin in home work with the family and help keep children safely at home, thus averting the crisis of removal. From that point forward, the partnership has continued to grow with Justice Works providing a multitude of programs for the children and families in Lehigh County. It is the responsive and thorough work that Justice Works exemplifies that keeps the partnership strong and lends to the overall strength of our community. Justice Works is a program that is ready to examine new and innovative programming, training staff in new approaches and best practice in child welfare, thereby doing whatever is necessary to assist families and the agency with assuring the safety and well-being of children.
Pamela J. Buehrle, MSS
Director, Lehigh County Office of Children and Youth Services